The Fee-Return Exclusion in Your Legal Malpractice Policy
Almost all lawyer’s professional liability policies include a fee-return exclusion. The exclusion is usually wrapped into
Almost all lawyer’s professional liability policies include a fee-return exclusion. The exclusion is usually wrapped into
Claims-made policies almost always require the claim be “first made” during the policy period.
Such policies also
Almost all lawyer’s professional liability policies include a prior knowledge exclusion.[1] Calling it an exclusion
Difficulty arises with continuing malpractice that straddles the retroactive date. Most often the alleged malpractice is
A “retroactive date” (or “retro date” for short) is a feature of claims-made coverage, which is
An application for lawyer’s professional liability insurance typically asks whether you have any “office sharing” arrangement
By all accounts, Lloyds of London wrote the first lawyer’s professional liability (LPL) policy on a